Mottos, Slogans & Sayings
I make no claim to have made any of this stuff up. It is what I squawk about, like a parrot, much to the annoyance of my friends and family who graciously accommodate me as an old coot who repeats himself. The ideas are recapitulations of ubiquitous thought, and I apologize to any un-cited authors that I may have quoted or paraphrased.
Art Davenport
Beware of the Cro-Magnon that lurks within.
Tame your amygdyla!
Wisdom is free, yet we insist on paying an exorbitant price for it.
Progressives Take Heart! When Cro-Magnon arrived, Neanderthal was not happy either.
Only the mind divides that which is whole.
Consider everything; believe in nothing.
People are the cells in the body of humanity.
Humanity suffers from an autoimmune disorder, “social cancer”, when we prey upon each other. How can a body at war with itself survive?
Be Well! Illness and wellness spread just the same!
Are you a Tweedle Duhmublican or a Tweedle Deemocrat? Who did you vote for Precident?
Green is my favorite color – where would we be without chlorophyll?
Screw the Savers! Save the Speculators!!
Anyone who gambles is a fool, except the ones who win - they are lucky fools.
We Live In An Ocean Of Notions... (AD)
Don't blame the mirror.
Whoever said a miracle is easy?
Why contend with contentiousness?
The flippers flopped when the market dropped. (AD)
The mind and the stomach conspire endlessly to rule the heart. (AD)
People who have boring lives gossip about those who don't.
Get it straight, or reincarnate. (AD)
Pickled peppers should not be confused with peppered pickles.
Hospitality is a form of religion.
Cell phones are an expensive nuisance. Can I borrow yours to make a call?
It just doesn't matter, It just doesn't matter, It just doesn't matter... (mantra)
That's why they call it fishing, and not catching.
Serve well and you will be well served. (AD)
It's tougher where there's none.
Haste makes waste.
No appointments, no disappointments.
Oh no!, status quo.
Eschew obfuscation!
Aghast! The evil forces of entropy are upon us. (AD)
She said: "Goodnight man of my dreams, I am going to sleep to be with you."
Do not confuse credit with wealth. My God, look at the mess we are in!
“War is expensive; Peace is priceless.” (Who said that?)
Caulk it, paint it, and make it what it ain't. (Old carpenter’s adage.)
"Take what you can get and thank that clown."
(Overheard of a mother admonishing her young son not to be choosy about what color balloon he was offered by the clown.)
Religion is theater, a passion play written with Divine inspiration.
Fifty percent of reality is external, fifty percent is internal. Half of reality is what you make of it.
It is not that I am ignoring you, I just have a rich internal life.
The grindstone of wisdom.
Procrastination is my sin, it brings me grief and sorrow, I think I will stop doing it, in fact, I'll stop tomorrow!
Having babies is a young person’s sport.
No you hurry Tutu - Tutu hurry you! (Hawaii pidgen for: Don't hurry Grandmother, Grandma hurries you!)
Surely our restlessness is a large part of our suffering.
Too many people seem to believe themselves to be human while acting more like dogs. Perhaps that is because dogs have domesticated us so thoroughly…
There is no greater example of the domestication of one species by another than the domestication of Homo sapiens by Felis domesticus.
It is either biological or bioillogical. (AD)
Conform to the norm to stay in the swarm. (AD)
Things that are not real can be inspiring, but why make them real by way of the inspiration?
Poems, metaphors, art, literature, all inspire, often divinely, but how can one make them real when they are innately not?
After much pondering of this question I conclude the unreal become real, inside the inspired mind, which then reflects outward, to manifest in the world as choice and volition.
The unreal becomes real
by reflective translation,
therein lies manifest inspiration.
Like the twinkle in my mother’s eye,
and the apple on Sir John Newton’s head,
like the colors that guide us,
and how we live on, when we are dead. (by AD)
More to follow...